Welcome to my turtle page, the information shown on this site is a rough guide to the care and upkeep of turtles, don't forget there are many varieties of sub-species and all vary in many ways as regards to their habitat, diet, and care.

I have had several species both past and present, these include red eared sliders, yellow bellied sliders, cooters, musk turtles, soft shelled turtles, reeves box turtle and mississippi map turtles.

You will find many species of turtles within my site, each with information on their care, remember the info i give is for general care and i advise anyone wanting to own/care for turtles to gather up as much info on their choice of turtle for it's long term care.

Turtles have an average lifespan over 20 years so will be with you for a long time if cared for properly.

I am currently updating the site so if your turtle isn't listed please bear with me.

If you wish to make a comment or pick my brain you can contact me through the comments box on my you tube site "rottitera". Or email me at rottitera@hotmail.co.uk

I welcome all feedback and comments and would like to thank you for visiting my site.

 Above is an ideal enclosure setup for juveniles, with an internal filter/pump at the left end with a submersible heater situated within the flow of water, there is a rock situated with the top out of the water to provide a basking area under a floodlight, the main lighting is a uv-b flourescent Repti-sun 5.0.

The 'furniture' within the tank is fine for juveniles but as they get bigger you will end up taking much of it out, my adult turtles have a virtually 'empty' tank apart from filter, heater, basking area and rocks.

This enclosure houses a soft shelled turtle, if you look closely you will see him in the front right corner by the thermometer.

 Above is one of my soft shelled turtles, at about 6 months old.

 This is Pebbles. A Common Musk Turtle or 'Stinkpot', he is around 4-5 mths old.

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